Breaking news - psychological impact of 24/7 access to tragedy
When I was in college, I heard of someone who refused to watch the news because it was too negative. My young self who had an affinity...

How Your “Man Card” Could Be Hurting Your Health
“Be a man”, “Toughen up”, “You want something to cry about?”, “Man up”, “Don’t be a *%#@!” We have all heard these things at some point...

Mother’s Day May Not Be Happy
Mother’s Day will be here in a few days, so for some reading, it’s a reminder of cards and gifts to purchase. For others, however, no...

Is Connection Really at Our Fingertips?
“What’s the big deal? It’s just a phone”, I once said. My husband and I like to joke about my lackluster reaction to the highly...

Mindfulness: Be Here Now
One of the first pieces I wrote for this column 3 years ago focused on mindfulness. Since then, there’s been continued growing interest...