Opening Our Eyes to Teen Dating Violence
The upcoming month of February is a time when we prognosticate with Pennsylvania’s famous groundhog, celebrate love and romance,...
Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions
In a few days we’ll be pulling our 2014 calendars out or for many, swiping our devices ahead into another calendar year. We will...
An Attitude of Gratitude
“I want…”, “I wish…”, “I’ll be happy when…” Sound bites from a toddler? No, just statements we say or hear on a regular basis. It’s...
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Not Just SAD
This Sunday we will turn back our clocks one hour as Daylight Savings ends. Is that a groan I heard? For many people, this change in time...
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Since first stepping foot into a local domestic violence program in 1997 as an intern, October has meant more to me than cooler...